Skip the hassle and confusion of health insurance and utilize Cuero’s top rated agent. Our expertise and knowledge about insurance cost you nothing to utilize! You deserve a trusted guide to assist you in the complexities and confusing world of health insurance and Medicare. Schedule your FREE consultation to see how we can help you today…

Health Insurance Agent Cuero, TX

We specialize in Medicare and Individual & Family Health Insurance plans in Cuero, TX. Our goal is to find the best options available to you based on your health needs and your budget. Honesty and putting you in the right plan is our top priority – we’ll deliver expert advice and guidance for your health insurance needs, with no pressure! Allow Donahvan to be your trusted agent in the Crossroads, and guide you through your health insurance needs!

By utilizing a local agent you have access to an expert on health insurance that is in your area and knows the plans or options available to you. Every area has different networks, carriers, and formularies for your health insurance coverage. It’s best to work with a local agent that is a phone call away and knows the specifics for the area you live in!


Medicare is federal health insurance for anyone age 65 and older, and some people under 65 with certain disabilities or conditions.

How Medicare Works

Original Medicare is broken up into two parts, Part A and Part B. You can sign up for parts A&B online or through your local Social Security Administration Office, which you typically will only have to do once. Throughout your working years you have paid into Medicare through Medicare taxes. If you have worked 10 years, or 40 quarters, then you qualify for $0 premiums on your Part A. You can utilize a current spouses or ex-spouses 40 quarters if you did not accrue them yourself (under certain conditions). Part B will come with a monthly premium that is adjusted yearly. Parts A&B also have a deductible that changes yearly as well.

Original Medicare offers you coverage, but has a high deductible for Part A, and a 20% coinsurance for Part B, that leaves you exposed to high medical costs if you are hospitalized. You can utilize Medicare Supplement Plans (Medigap) or Medicare Advantage (Part C) Plans to cover the gaps and lower the out-of-pocket costs associated with Original Medicare.

Mistakes to Avoid With Medicare

Medicare has penalties for late enrollments for both Parts B and Parts D. It’s important to enroll into these parts whenever you are initially eligible. You become eligible for parts A&B when you turn 65, after retirement and dropping employer insurance, or after 2 years of receiving Social Security Disability Income (SSDI). There’s different enrollment periods based on your specific circumstances, but it’s important to not miss your enrollment period for any of these options.

Aside from penalties, if you are choosing an Advantage Plan (Part C), you will need to make sure that the plan is correct for the zip code you currently reside in. You will also need to check your doctors and specialists are in-network, as well as make sure your prescriptions are on the plans formulary. Without doing so you can enroll into a plan that is not compatible and incur severe out-of-pocket expenses.

Individual & Family Health Insurance

Marketplace Insurance or Affordable Care Act Insurance is offered to individuals and families that are not offered insurance through their employer, or their current work insurance is deemed unaffordable.

How Marketplace Insurance (ACA) Works

Marketplace Insurance is offered through private insurance companies under the Affordable Care Act. The government utilizes tax credits and subsidies to offer affordable health insurance to US residents. Through the marketplace you can find coverage for health care as well as vision & dental. Most marketplace plans will offer coverage as an HMO network, meaning that you will need a primary doctor that can refer you to any of your specialists if needed.

You may receive an Advanced Premium Tax Credit (APTC) which will provide you with a discount on your health insurance coverage for the year based on your projected income. In order to receive a tax credit you will have to file a federal tax return at the end of the year. You may receive a refund or need to pay excess APTC if your income was higher or lower than anticipated for the year. We can assist you with all of the requirements and qualifications, enrollment periods and application process!

Mistakes to Avoid With Marketplace Coverage

The largest mistake we aim to avoid is having incorrect income on your application. Marketplace Insurance works as a tax credit with an added subsidy to offer affordable rates. Due to the nature of tax credits we need to estimate your income for the current year of coverage in order to determine your savings for the year. If this is done incorrectly it can result in you receiving a penalty, or owing money back at the end of the year. We always recommend estimating as high as possible to avoid any differences when you go to file your taxes. Make sure to report the income for any individual who will be on your household tax return (married/dependents).

Another common error on applications is having an incorrect household size or incorrect household members added to an application. Households are determined by whoever will be included on the tax return for the year, not everyone who may live in the house. If a member of your household will be on the tax return they will need to be added to the application, including their income, even if they will not be applying for marketplace coverage.

Dental & Vision Insurance

Routine Dental

Routine Vision

Life Insurance